Contact us
Phone number: +1 480 203 3968
Whatsapp: Press here
Schedule a meeting with me: Press here
About us
At Coyote Off Road Adventures, our philosophy is to respect the land, the people, and the culture of Baja.
We create our exciting adventures so you experience the best of Baja and create amazing memories.
At each Coyote Off Road Adventure, our goal is to include plenty of off road miles, beautiful scenery, historic missions and some great food (there is more than tacos in Mexico!) We arrange at least one meal with locals to show you not only the cuisine but also to learn a little about this beautiful country and it’s amazing people.
We make our adventures worry free for you. If our routes require travel through private land, we make sure we have the proper permits and can take you to the best spots safely. We treat the land with respect so we stay on the trails and leave no trace (i.e. don’t leave trash!).
Our team is comprised of Mexicans and Americans who are avid, seasoned off roaders and racers. We have bilingual guides and mechanics from both sides of the border.